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Contact Person: Gail Venter


Cell: 0829287474

Physical address: Portion 1 plot 19 Watercombe rd Farmall AH

Detailed driving directions

Sat Nav coordinates: 25 degrees 59 min 40 sec S, 27 degrees 57 min 13 sec E.

portion 1 of Plot 19 Watercombe Rd Farmall AH

Please look at your speedometer for the km – this does help greatly with directions.

Travel north along William Nichol to Monte Casino, just before the Monte casino Traffic light, take the left hand off ramp to get onto the Witkoppen Road.

Immediately get into the right hand lane and turn right at the next set of traffic lights, into Cedar Rd.

Travel for 4.5 km along Cedar, passing the Broardacres shopping centre on your left.

Turn left at the next traffic lights into 3rd Ave (Imagine The Venue sign board).

Drive for 2.5 km on 3rd Ave, Turn right into Hood rd, Then immediately left into Watercombe (all sign posted Imagine The Venue)

Drive for 1.4 on Watercombe, Imagine The Venue on your left hand ( sign posted)